Thursday, July 31, 2008
Summer Heat
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What is that in the Gulf?
For the past several days, there has been a blow up of thunderstorms in the Gulf of Mexico, just off the Louisiana coast. This feature is bringing rain to parts of southeast Texas and may bring some rain around our East Texas lakes area. But what is it? Well, it is NOT a tropical system, even though at times it looks like that. It is a weak upper level low, or a disturbance in the atmosphere. It's slowly drifting westward, but is bumping into the area of high pressure that brought us the 100 degree heat. On Thursday, this feature will be close enough to give us a shot at rain for Livingston, Woodville, and Jasper. For the rest of us, it will be a disturbance to our north that gives us a chance at rain. Keep your fingers crossed because we could sure use the rain.
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Earthquake in California
A powerful earthquake rocked California today. Here is the latest from the Associated Press:
A strong earthquake shook Southern California on Tuesday, causing buildings to sway and triggering some precautionary evacuations. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The jolt was felt from Los Angeles to San Diego, and slightly in Las Vegas.
The 11:42 a.m. quake was initially estimated at 5.8 but was revised downward to magnitude-5.4, said seismologist Kate Hutton of the U.S. Geological Survey office in Pasadena. More than a dozen aftershocks quickly followed, the largest estimated at magnitude-3.8. Click here to read more!
Posted by Conley Isom at 2:56 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Burn Bans
I was hoping we would not have to talk about these just yet, but with dry weather settling in, counties are beginning to be added to the burn ban list. We now have Houston and Sabine counties under the ban, meaning it is illegal to burn anything outside. Over time, if we do not see much rain, I have a feeling more of our counties will be added. Remember, you can always see the latest burn ban map by clicking the weather tap at the top of the page.
Posted by Conley Isom at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Finally Cracking the Century Mark
It's official !! Today was the hottest day of the year so far as the Angelina County Airport hit 100 degrees for the first time this year. Not only did it hit 100 degrees, but it exceeded the century mark as we topped out at 102. The record for this day was 105, set back in 1934. So while no records were set, we did finally crack the triple digit mark. Nacogdoches topped out at 100 for the second straight day.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Heat Advisory Through 7pm Monday
The hottest temperatures of the year so far will be with us this weekend and last into early next week. With triple digit heat in place and heat indices ranging from 103-108° the next few afternoons, it will be dangerously hot in the afternoon hours.
This means heat index values could stay above 105 for a period of three hours or more, leading to a high threat for heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
The counties under the Heat Advisory include Angelina, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Sabine, Shelby, Cherokee, Anderson, Rusk, and Panola counties.
I want to emphasize that although our southern counties are not under a Heat Advisory, it will be just as hot in these areas as well. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated.
Also, if you cannot run your air conditioners due to high electric costs, please find a friend or relative to stay with. Also, consider going to the malls, movie theaters, or other public venues to cool off, especially between the hours of 2-6pm.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dolly Update 4:00 PM
From the National Hurricane Center:
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Dolly Now a Category 2 Hurricane!
Dolly is less than 30 miles east of Brownsville and is slowly getting ready to make landfall. The latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center has upgraded the storm to category 2 status, with sustained winds now at 100 mph and wind gusts higher than that. The movement is to the northwest at 7 mph and it looks like the eye of the hurricane will move slightly north of Brownsville, moving over South Padre Island. Flooding is a growing concern because of the slow movement. Over 12 inches of rain could fall before the storm weakens and moves west. As reports of damage come in to the weather center, we will pass them on here in the Blog. Stay tuned!
Posted by Conley Isom at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Dolly Update 8:45 AM
Hurricane Dolly is slowly moving towards Brownsville this morning. Landfall is expected by noon. The latest data from the Hurricane Hunters indicates that Dolly is trying to strengthen before the eye moves over land. Winds have now reached 95 mph with gusts over 100 mph. There is a very small window where she could become a category 2 right before landfall. The flooding is a big concern with over a foot of rain is expected in a 24 hour period. Tornadoes have also been reported in the outer rain bands, which is typical in a tropical system. Below are several links to some webcams near the storm.
Posted by Conley Isom at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dolly Update 10 PM
As of the 10 PM advisory, hurricane Dolly is still a category one storm with winds up to 81 mph. She continues to slow down, moving northwest at about 9 mph. Landfall is still expected on Wednesday but at her current speed, landfall make take a while. This will tend to lead to flooding rains, which seems to be the main threat with this hurricane. If you remember back to Tropical Storm Allison, her slow movement caused a devastating flood in southeast Texas. I do not think it will be as bad as Allison, but up to a foot of rainfall is possible.
Once again, the only impact from Dolly here in East Texas will be some outer rain bands leading to scattered storms developing through the day on Wednesday. I hope you receive some rain because by the weekend, the rain goes away and we turn up the heat. Stay with KTRE for the latest on Hurricane Dolly.
Posted by Conley Isom at 10:24 PM 0 comments
The Good and the Bad with Dolly
As Hurricane Dolly pushes towards south Texas, one of the biggest concerns for that area is not the wind or the storm surge. It is the potential for flash flooding as up to 10 inches of rain could fall in the valley of south Texas. This could lead to many high water rescues and flooded homes. The flip side is that this kind of rain would break the extreme drought that currently exist in that part of the state. The map to your left shows that from the Brazos Valley, to Austin, south towards Brownsville is under an exceptional drought. So the rain will help the local farmers but it will come at a price. Hopefully, Dolly will not move too slow but flooding is going to be a big concern come Wednesday.
Posted by Conley Isom at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Hurricane Dolly
As anticipated, Dolly has now become a category one hurricane, with winds sustained at 75 mph. Pressure continues dropping and more strengthening is possible through the night. The outer rain bands are already effecting much of the Texas coast and tropical storm force winds will begin to blow this evening from Corpus Christi, southward to Brownsville. Landfall is still expected around midday on Wednesday near the mouth of the Rio Grande.
For us here in East Texas, I am still only expecting scattered, tropical showers from the outer rain bands. Some of the rain could be heavy at times but the bulk of the rain will stay to our south, closer to the circulation. We will continue tracking Dolly and will have updates later this evening.
Posted by Conley Isom at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Dolly Soon to Become a Hurricane
Early this afternoon, Dolly is on the verge of becoming a category one hurricane. The winds with the latest advisory are up to 70 mph. To be classifies as a hurricane, the winds have to be 74 mph or higher so she is really close. The satellite imagery of the storm looks very good. She has good outflow, a symmetrical shape, and the hint of an eye wall trying to form. My guess is that Dolly will be a hurricane by the 4 PM advisory later today.
Dolly is slowing down some, which all the computer models had been forecasting. Movement is to the northwest at 12 mph, but will more than likely slow to under 10 mph this evening. Landfall is still expected somewhere near Brownsville on Wednesday morning. However, that could change if the storms takes a jog north or slows down even more. The worse part of a hurricane is the northeast quadrant so even with the center of the storm near Brownsville, the winds and storm surge will go all the way north to Corpus Christi.
Posted by Conley Isom at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Dolly Update 10:00 PM
Slowly but surely, Dolly is showing signs of better organization late Monday evening. Still just a tropical storm, but she should become a hurricane sometime on Tuesday. Dolly took a westward jog this evening, however, is expected to move back to a west northwest motion. Also, the forward speed should slow to less than 10 mph so it will take some time for Dolly to move ashore. We still expected landfall near the city of Brownsville so keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Even if Dolly is not a major hurricane, she will probably still cause some damage along the southern Texas coast.
Posted by Conley Isom at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Dolly Update 4:00 PM
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Dolly Update 12:40 PM
Posted by Conley Isom at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Dolly Update 9:20 AM
Tropical Storm Dolly has crossed the Yucatan this morning and is showing signs of beginning to gain strength. The biggest problem with the storm is that the center of circulation is poorly defined and could be forming farther north than expected. Once this circulation becomes established, Dolly should organize quickly. More than likely, she will become a category one hurricane by Tuesday.
The big question is where does Dolly make landfall? Current forecasts show a possible landfall near Brownsville late Wednesday night. However, the spread between all the computer models show possible hits from Corpus Christi to the northern border of Mexico. So the uncertainty is high on where she could go. How does that effect us here in East Texas? Well, if the storm hit closer to Corpus, we would be closer to the storm and a have a better chance of getting some rain. If she hits south of Brownsville, we might not see any rain and stay hot. So our forecast this week hinges a lot on what Dolly does. I plan to have multiple updates here in the blog so check back often. Also, feel free to leave your comments below by clicking the comments link.
Posted by Conley Isom at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Dolly Forms in Western Caribbean
Late this Sunday morning, Tropical Storm Dolly has formed in the western Caribbean Sea, approximately 230 miles to the southeast of Cozumel, Mexico. You can see this storm from the visible satellite perspective this morning. Hurricane Hunters were able to identify a closed low pressure center at the surface, allowing this wave to be upgraded to tropical storm force strength.
There are currently numerous Tropical Storm Warnings all up and down the eastern side of the Yucatan channel. Additional warnings will be posted as the system continues to get better organized.This is the official forecast track from the National Hurricane Center. Do you remember us showing you the different computer model tracks from the past few days on our newscasts? If so, this matches up fairly well now that the system has strengthened into Tropical Storm Dolly. Right now, Dolly is expected to move over the Yucatan Peninsula on Monday, bringing some heavy rain, gusty winds, and possible mudslides. Depending on how long it stays over land will determine how much it weakens.
For us locally, we will be interested to see what happens when Dolly gets into the western Gulf of Mexico. Sea surface temperatures are plenty warm, and conditions are favorable for Dolly to strengthen once it re-emerges. This will be something to follow as it could have an impact on the Texas coast, and more importantly, our local weather by the middle part of the week. We will have more Blog updates daily on Dolly and make sure to check in once or twice a day for your latest forecast.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Hello Dolly!
After a week of tracking this tropical wave, we now have tropical storm Dolly! She is heading towards the Yucatan and will be in the Gulf of Mexico by Monday. The latest computer model runs show the storm turning more west and heading into Mexico, south of Brownsville. Conditions should be good for Dolly to become a hurricane before landfall. Let me say this, even though it looks like this one will miss most of the Texas coast, things could easily change. Stay tuned to KTRE for the latest and do not forget to check out the Hurricane Center by clicking on the weather tab at the top of your screen. More updates later today.
Posted by Conley Isom at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Cristobal Has Formed Off Carolina Coast
We have a brand new Tropical Storm that formed off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina this afternoon. Since we are on our third named storm for the season, it has the "C" name which is Cristobal.
It currently has winds of 40 mph, and is moving off to the northeast at 5 to 10 mph. The biggest threats along the Atlantic coast will be coastal beach erosion from the high waves along with very heavy rainfall. The areas most affected will be the coastal counties stretching from Charleston, SC, farther north to Wilmington and Cape Hatteras, NC.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tropical Depression #3 Forms
Posted by Conley Isom at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Which Storm will Form First?

Posted by Conley Isom at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Air Quality Alerts
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Good Bye Bertha, Hello Cristobal?

Posted by Conley Isom at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday's Rain Totals
Posted by Conley Isom at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Weather Update 6:35 PM
The National Weather Service in Shreveport has placed Angelina county under an areal flood advisory until 8:15 PM. This storm has dropped over 1.50" in under an hour at the Angelina County Airport. Minor flooding could occur near creeks and rivers. Also, be careful driving. Remember, if you come across a road that has water over it, Turn Around, Don't Drown. The storm will continue heading towards Lake Sam Rayburn so if you live near the lake, prepare now for heavy rain, lighting, and gusty winds.
Posted by Conley Isom at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Weather Update 5:40 PM
Posted by Conley Isom at 5:38 PM 0 comments
The Next Hurricane???
Posted by Conley Isom at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Little Relief on the Way
It has been a very hot, July weekend across East Texas as temperatures flirted with the triple digit mark. There is some temporary relief on the way as a July cool front will bring in some clouds and rain showers. That should help cool things off just a bit. Tonight, we are watching a broken line of storms move into Anderson, Cherokee, and Nacogdoches counties. The stronger storms are located in northwestern Nacogdoches county around the Trawick, Looneyville, and Cushing communities. Most of these storms will tend to weaken as they move into a more stable environment; however, those of you that do get wet tonight could see anywhere from a quarter to one half inch of rain.
If you don't see any rain tonight, don't worry, because we have another chance coming up on Monday.The chance of rain on Monday will be due to a July cool front inching its way into East Texas. It is this front which has triggered the storms to our north today. With the cool front draped across the area tomorrow, we should see scattered showers and storms develop across the Piney Woods. We get a double bonus as we not only get the rain, but also cooler temperatures. Don't get used to it, though, because we will be heating up by mid-week.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Hot Weekend!
Posted by Conley Isom at 4:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
City of Lufkin
Each month, the city of Lufkin does a program called City Hall Update. It features local officials, news from the city, and community events. It can be seen on cable channel 15 and on Consolidated TV service. You can also watch it online on their website,
Yours truly was an interview on this month's show and I wanted to thank Bill Cameron and host Yana Ogletree for having me on. We talked about my background, what we do here at KTRE, and much more. I hope you get a chance to check it out!
Posted by Conley Isom at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
NBC Buys Weather Channel
Insiders suggest that the largest influence this purchase will have is in 'cross-promotions'. In other words, when a major hurricane threatens the United States, don't be surprised to see well-known expert from The Weather Channel appearing on The Today Show. Weather updates during the Olympics and other sporting events with "...brought to you by The Weather Channel" may be common in the future as well. NBC Universal already owns a weather network, 'WeatherPLUS', which ironically was in competition with TWC. NBC Universal also owns the MSNBC and CNBC cable networks. The Weather Channel recently updated it's facilities to broadcast HD programming which is now available on many cable systems.
Posted by Conley Isom at 5:54 PM 0 comments
It's Not the Heat, but the Humidity
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Bertha Now Category 3 Hurricane!
Posted by Conley Isom at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Bertha Slowly Strengthening, Could Become a Hurricane
Tropical Storm Bertha has gained some strength this afternoon as winds have gone up from 50 mph to 60mph. At the same time, the surface pressure has dropped slightly from 1000mb to 998mb. When we observe tropical systems, there is typically a direct correlation between wind speeds and surface pressure. As pressure decreases, the wind speed increases and vice versa.
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 4, 2008
July 4th Activities in Your Community
Posted by Brad Hlozek at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tropical Activity
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Huntington Elementary Needs Your Help!
Big Lots is doing a nation wide contest that will award numerous schools money for new playgrounds. It is called Lots2Give. Here in East Texas, we have Huntington Elementary who is in the contest. They recently relocated their playground but during the process of moving it, it fell apart due to old age. So these kids are currently without a playground. However, you can help! Just click the link below and vote for Huntington Elementary. You can vote up to three times a day until July 22nd. Make sure to spread the word to your friends and family!
Click Here to Cast Your Vote for Huntington Elementary!!!
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Updated July 4th Forecast
Posted by Conley Isom at 3:18 PM 0 comments